A crazy sick biller with a good personality. As a good youtube bit has a lisp
Adapt: " the the fuck is good motha fuckin FaZe Adapt here"
by FaZeFanBoy July 14, 2014
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1) The period of time needed to familiarize oneself with a new electronic device.
2) Often, a period of extreme anxiety and frustration stemming from one's need to learn a lot of technical information in a short to non-existent period of time.
1) "I'm sorry, Joe. I won't be in to work today. I'm exhausted from staying up all night learning how to use my new i-phone and am suffering this morning from a bad case of contraption adaption."

2) "I'm now limiting my persuit of new e-toys to only those gadgets with a low level of contraption adaption."

3) The salesguy said: "If you buy this new Mac laptop today, I guarantee you'll start using it today." "Yeah, sure", I said. "I'll BET there's no contraption adaption for THIS machine!"
by Juan O'Malley July 22, 2009
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a person who studders a lot , like every word is said 100 times
I love it I love it I, I love it I love it , i,i,I love it I love it, said faze adapt
by zombiekillaz23 July 5, 2015
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"Dude, where'd the TV go?"
"I took it over to Mike's last night with the Halo Adapter"
by reversebackwards October 3, 2004
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U.S. Army term for a condom; it allows an individual to train minus the risk of firing live rounds or enduring an accidental discharge.
Hey Troop, make sure you got a pack of blank adapters before you step off the Traffic Light Lounge. You don't want some stripper showing up in 9 months with a fuck trophy to show you or coming home with drippy dick.
by C.C. Black July 10, 2009
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an adapter to play music from an external device (usually ipod) in your car
yo man do you have a slap adapter so i can bump some of my music from my ipod
by balling123 March 29, 2009
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