The most sexy beautiful mothefucker that ever graced the planet he is a god so bent to his will
Man i wish i could be like zed
by Dj Zex March 7, 2017
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1. Slang for a Zombie, usually of the George A. Remereo (famous zombie movie director) type. Used commonly in the Max Brooks two novels: World War Z, and The Zombie Survival Guide. Used by zombie fans as a short cut to typing or saying the word.
2. The "proper" English way of pronouncing the letter Z
1. I just watched Dawn of the Dead and the ZEDS in that were fast!
2. I just got done reading World War Zed, and was it freaky
by noneofyourdamnbusiness September 10, 2007
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Its a slang short word word for the African country of Zambia,used mostly by the young generation.
So when are you going back to Zed?
by mspontiff April 21, 2010
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mostly known on habbo UK.
a person who dates another person on the internet, claming they will love them for ever, adopt a child (really a 13+ pretending to be a baby)
then the next day, they'll dump each other and move on.
zedgirl: he11o babes i 1ove you.
zedboy: i 1ove u 2 x

next day.
zed boy: ur dumped.
zed girl: NOOO.

5 min later.
zedgirl: t+?
zed boy 2: t+u =love
zedgirl: kay bbz i 1ove you
by deadvegetables August 2, 2009
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