A Florida rapper out of lauderhill (broward county) he has over 10k followers on Instagram and plenty of people say he is a artist on the rise.he attends piper high school the same high school as rapper XXXtentacion
YBB Tassir made fuck the skoolhize and has gained a nice amount of fame from the song and has over 100,000 plays on his first 3 songs
by Florida news December 5, 2020
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An acronym of annoyance and anger! It stands for: "You Bum Bandit"

John: Nah, sry m8, not cmin out 2nyt
Steve: Oh FFS YBB!
by smokeys_13 October 16, 2013
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(Young Brown Ballers). A group of sophisticated young men from the Baltimore metropolitan area, who started from the bottom producing music and rapping. Can be commonly spotted hooping at the local elementary station.
Vinay Kumar:"Did you hear YBB's new album."
Vinay Kumar:"It was fire! i shoulve hopped on that album."
by YoungKing_ April 26, 2021
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(Young Brown Ballers) A group of sophisticated young men from the Baltimore metropolitan area, who started from the bottom producing and rapping from nothing. Can be commonly spotted hooping at the local elementary station.
Vinay Kumar:" did you hear YBB's new album."
Vinay Kumar:" It was fire"
by YoungKing_ April 25, 2021
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