(1) A sly way of implying that one is on ecstacy. (2) Any cool actions one completes while on ecstacy.
Sarah: I'm rolling dick on these pills!
Anna: Yeah, this is pretty Xtreme.
by Nikkar November 23, 2005
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Something one says when excited or something is exciting...
"It's Xtreme! Stick it in your face hole!.."
by Jupi February 22, 2003
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The 4 man Kliq that live around The Western suburbs,also referred to the as the AWA (Arab/Assyrian/American-Australian with attitude).
by Death13 June 12, 2003
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Xtreme: The most stupid person on irc. Big bender who is a Prick. Spoilt little Bastard
Xtreme: I rule
Fil11: No you suck dog penis
Xtreme: I am fat
Film11: Yes you are!
by Film11 October 17, 2004
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A pre workout soooo strong that even 1/5 of a serving will rock you into another dimension. The level of hype it creates is unmatched by any other!
Person 1: Yo man have you tried that new pre workout ESP Xtreme?
Person 2: Yea man!! My buddy took it once and his heart exploded before he even made it to the gym!
by Pre_gods January 23, 2019
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Xtreme goose is everclear alcohol poured into a grey goose bottle.  everclear is highly potent n strong liqor it can be xtreme. Since no one wants to drink everclear by itself it is easier on the mind when poured from a grey goose bottle tricking the mind into thinking it's just goose but in fact it's xtreme goose! Hahah I'm sure some can tell the diff between the two but when everyone is allready drinking they don't really mind what it is since it's coming out of a goose bottle...  When your friends get drunk in 2-3 shots tell them they just had xtreme goose! But don't tell them it's everclear or they won't drink w you ever again :P 
Damn he got messed up tonight! He must of had some xtreme goose!

Xtreme goose got you loose!
by Redelzs February 7, 2010
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one skilled at most things, yet masters at none. It is known for doing most mothers across the world.
OMG...Dean Xtreme is beating kazi's ass
Dean Xtreme did ____'s mom last night
by Capt, Morgan April 12, 2006
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