Acronym for US ARMY is


by RAB21w January 31, 2011
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The Israeli army. Ignorant neocon stormtroopers too oblivious to realize they serve Israel and not the United States.
The US Army got duped into perpetrating Operation Israeli Freedom.
by dickhole09 March 14, 2010
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The most powerful army, even though it's easy to beat the crap out of everyone when you're the less drunk of the world( 2% beer) and that everyone (with exceptions) has to go through it.
they put alot of publicy on it too (america's army and stupid commercials)
-how about joining the us army?
-ok. Why not?
by Gabriel P. May 16, 2005
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The army currently located in the United states of America.

During the Iraq war they were the first equiped with Desert Camo. Canada still used Forest Camo. The united states still shot 4 Canadians.

The US Army will shoot anything that moves.
US Army: "Remember. Kill them all!"
Canadian Military: "Hey, what's up?"
US Army: "AhhhH! Talking tree!"
*4 canadian's died*
by |Canadian-Guy| January 23, 2011
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Many will remember this as a quality vine hero, but to me I can only think of Claire.
by Ruggy June 28, 2020
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ARMY-Aint Ready for The Marines Yet
YMRASU (USARMY backwords)-
Yes My Retarted Ass Signed Up
Marine- ARMY is for pussies. Becaus they Aint Ready for The Marines Yet
Army-not they aint
Marine- die...
by treetop May 6, 2004
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