A nice,funny,weird, idiot girl.Lightish brown hair thats long,blue eyes,and is usually cheerful.She try's to get along with people ....But if they get on her bad side then you will get beat to the ground.She is also strong but doesn't brag about all the stuff that she is good at very modest.You can always find her hanging out with her friends on the bus,at home,school, basically anywhere.She is a fun loving person that loves dogs and just sweet ...Unless shes not.And if a Trin says she loves you she means it even if she likes you she means it and will do anything to have you.She can be your best friend and is always there to talk to.Plus for guys shes super pretty but isn't afraid to speak her mind.
Dude 1:wow that girl is so nice,pretty, funny,and super hot
Dude 2:wonder if it a trin???
Dude 1.OMG IT IS!!!!
Dude 2.That explains so much!!
by That lit girlllll March 21, 2018
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beautiful blonde hair. Fun loving and with three perfect things about her. Soul, Looks, and Attitude
by Scott April 7, 2003
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Trin is the most wonderful human ever, capable of making anyone smile. Trin deserves the world.
Trin is the bestest most loving person ever
by Adrian loves Trin October 27, 2020
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the act of performing or posing in triplet form; triplets posing for a picture; three persons or things that look alike.
Now that would make a nice trinning picture.
triplet pose
by commdude December 26, 2015
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a jerk who lies alot. he never cares about anyone and never tells the truth. Hes a coward who doesn't admit what he has done wrong.
You: Dude i dont like him
Your friend: Hes such a "trin."

Another example:
My boyfriend's such a trin.
by BOBSsyyy!!! November 12, 2010
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A term used to describe anyone who has the following characteristics: lazy, good for nothing, cheap, always drunk, always sober, dancing with a hot chick, dancing with an ugly chick, plays video games all day, wears better clothing then you, wears worst clothing then you, obnoxious, says stupid things, does stupid things, hoards food, sleeps all day, eats all day, pisses in the sink, pees in pools (not while in them, stands on the side and pees in them), likes tequila, hates tequila, eats the last of piece of food, uses the word agwan, and of course eats cheese!
Trin is such a rat
by Sammie Oakley November 21, 2016
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