The act of forcibly inserting one's genitalia into the mouth of a partner, with consent. The key to Tiffing is two-fold: achieving an angle such that pleasure is maximized for one party, and diminished for another; and making eye contact so the party Tiffing can verify that the party being Tiffed is in fact still alive.
"Dude, things got out of hand last night, I totally got the perfect angle on that slut when I tiffed her."
by Jalex123 February 18, 2014
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1. The expression of not wanting to deal with something at the moment, or finding certain things unappeasable.

Origin: Derived from the phrase "Too Far" which had become too long to say due to laziness, leading the use of just the two letters "T" "F", which also, after so long had become two syllables too many, thus eventually leading to "Tiff."

It is often used to replace phrases such as; "Screw that," "Fuck this," "forget about it," etc.
Nick: Hey man, let's go to the library and get our study on.
Carl: Dude, tiff that.

Girlfriend: You never spend enough time with me!
Boyfriend: Tiff this relationship.
by TiffLife November 29, 2011
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Someone who tells irrelevant, pointless stories and/or gives you meaningless information about things that nobody cares about.
"Stop being such a Tiff. No-one cares that your roommate just got home!"

"She kept telling us all these dumb stories about her cat! She was being a complete Tiff."
by J&M Inc. June 16, 2013
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-n/ adj. (syn: Tiffin', Tiffany, Epitiffany).
A tiff is a really bitchy person, a hilariously non-threatening bitch, an argument, cat fight or the like...

Inspirational articles of Tiff:

Breakfast at Tiffany's, Tiffany Co., Any popular girl named Tiffany ever born, teeny boppers, Jennifer Tilly's furry minge. Bob Sagat, Hillary Duff, and S.H.A.G. bait. (syphilis, Herpes, AIDs, gonorrhea)

modern day tiffs: Andrew's, Charlie's, Skylar's, Alex's, Sam's, Tylwhores's
, Joe's, cindy's, Jerions, John jett's, and francos.

Gawds of Tiffin': CAW, CAD, JWP, CDD, CPD, MT, HRCB, APP, CCJCM
Do you see that tranny Doug? Ah! Gawd, he is such a tiff!!!!
by CCJCM (H) August 10, 2013
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Toronto Film Festival. Film festival held in Toronto, Canada.
I had been at TIFF last evening
by Tom725 September 8, 2007
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the act of shitting while being fingered. the word "Tiff" can also be used to replace the word "Shit."
John was in the back with his girl when she tiff'd all over.
by dGORk. October 12, 2009
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