When a white boy, typically a “Brock” decides to curl their hair permanently to become more “black”
Look at Brock that dumb ass got a PERM
by Thicc nigga asteroid February 5, 2020
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1. Creamy crack; something many black women feel they need and grow an unhealthy dependence on in the efforts to make their hair straight or European-looking.

2. caustic chemicals that have no business on somebody's hair
That perm made her hair look thin and scraggly.
by S. April 14, 2004
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What ugly niggas get when they can’t get pussy
That faggot white boy Connor so ugly he had to get a perm 💀
by Adolf Bin Un July 30, 2021
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Permed” is slang for permafried, meaning your brain is permanently fried from doing psychedelics or drugs in general.
My friend did way to much lsd and now she’s permed.
by September 22, 2020
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A very ugly haircut. Usually a flowing mane dripping with hair juice.
You got a fucked up haircut, man. What is that, a perm?
by Cosmic Truckaz October 16, 2003
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permanently excluded (from school/college)
He got permed for possessing cannabis.
by dontfeardeath May 20, 2016
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Like that of the high fashion, high dollar perm hairstyle. The word "perm" is used when describing something that is fantastic, brilliant, amazing, special etc...
That mixtape is soo perm!

You should come to the party tonight, it's gonna be perm.

It would be soo perm to hook up with that beautiful baby.
by ChaoxAD November 15, 2009
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