2 people who are friends who get naked and fool around together. Kiss, hug, cuddle, hold hands, and sleep together.
Me and Desiree are bestest friends.
by funpun4_20 March 31, 2011
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The phrase grade 1-2 use a month or 2 before losing their friend
You're my bestest friend ever
*1 Month later*
I don't wanna be bestest friends anymore
by TFGTYgyfcygFTFjvgVG November 11, 2020
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The trio had been through so many adventures together, fighting monsters, rescuing kingdoms, and saving the day. They had faced countless dangers, overcome impossible obstacles, and grown stronger with each challenge.

As they sat around the campfire, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's company, they looked back on all that they had been through. They shared stories, jokes, and memories, reminiscing about all the good times they had shared.

It was then that Malte spoke up. "Guys, I just want you to know that you're the best friends I've ever had. I don't know what I would do without you. You've always been there for me, and I appreciate that more than anything."

Vilmer nodded in agreement. "Same here. You guys are like family to me. I don't think I could have faced half of the things we've been through without you."

Johan smiled. "You're not alone. I feel the same way. You guys are my best friends in the entire world, and I'm grateful for every moment we've spent together."

The three friends sat there, basking in the warmth of their friendship. They realized that no matter what happened in the future, they had each other, and that was all they needed. They knew that they could face anything together and come out stronger on the other side.
As the night wore on and the stars twinkled above, they made a promise to each other. They promised to always be there for one another, to always support and encourage each other, and to never forget the bond that they shared.

And so the trio went to sleep, content in the knowledge that they were the bestest of friends in the entire world.
by Onegreatstorytellerdude. February 16, 2023
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