An Alaskan firedragon has two definitions:

1. A fire breathing dragon native to Alaska that is claimed to exist by some, while others are skeptical.

2. A sexual act. (See other definitions for "Alaskan firedragon"). However, this sexual act can also be known as an "Alabama firedragon."
1. Dude, check out that Alaskan firedragon flying through the air!

2. I gave my girlfriend an Alaskan firedragon last night
by Big Poppa tha Cracka June 29, 2009
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An Alaskan Firedragon is NOT a sexual act. The sexual act the other alaskan firedragon definitions are refering to is an alabama firedragon. The Alaskan Firedragon is a dragon native to Alaska.
My pet Alaskan Firedragon is gunna eat all u crackas that claim the A.F. is a sexual act. Morons.
by November 22, 2007
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An extinct species of Firedragon. The Alaskan Firedragon had no capability of breathing fire, and lived in the Sahara Desert.
Bob: The alaskan firedragon doesn't live in Alaska?
Joe: No, it lives in the Sahara Desert.
by Swimman March 19, 2009
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An Urban Legend with orgins that trace back to alaska. Much like a sober eskimo or global warming.
1:Hey look an Alaskan Firedragon!!!
2:Psh! theres a sober eskimo.
1:what, where thats much more uncommon to see
2:oh, too late. you missed it. she just pulled out a bottle of alchol
1:damn... what to go see if we can witness global warming??
2: sure, why not
by rafie July 2, 2006
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Originally came into use in South-Western Michigan in the 49456 area code it is defined as the act of jizzing in a women then telling her something along the lines of "Honey, I have HIV/AIDS/or some other terrible disease."
Mike: Did you here what Jim did to Sally?
Chris: What did he do?
Mike: Instead of breaking up with her he gave her the alaskan firedragon!!!
Christ: Really? Hahahahahaha
by bonzeben23 January 18, 2010
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fucking a girl while her pubic hairs are on fire then use semen to take out the fire
we fucked so much that there was so much friction and her pubes caught on fire which creates the Alaskan Firedragon. Used semen to take out the fire.
by alaskakakaka February 26, 2016
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When a guy is plowing a chick and he pisses in her pussy
Damn...Jack gave me an Alaskan Firedragon last night. I had piss dripping from me for hours!
by Perversion Conversion January 27, 2012
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