A person, most likely female, with low self esteem, but Great personality. Protective over his/her friends, trustworthy and loyal friend, fun to be around. Overall, an amazing person to have in your life. Tough nut to crack, but once inside the walls, you'll notice their true side.
The word sylvie is only to be used to describe someones Awesomeness, Loyalty, and Lazyness.
by Felix Axenum February 6, 2010
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she is a great person who you are lucky to meet. Although sometimes a little bitchy, she really cares about her friends. Sylvie is really pretty and she can sometimes act like a hoe but its ok everyone still loves her anyway. She is so fun and she has so many bois trying to date her, but she is loyal to one. If you know a Sylvie never let her go! She lost her virginty with her first boyfriend
by HiBuddy January 15, 2019
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Sylvie is usually a girl she had beautiful eyes that sparkle in any lighting she is the one of the best bffs you can have so If you have a sylvie then never let go
Bobby: she looks hot she sylvie
by Lally January 22, 2019
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Meaning verdant or green stuff in French. Awesomeness oozes out of a Sylvie like sap from a maple tree. If you ever get a chance to hang out with a one, make sure you do because you will be transported to a mystical land full of amazing adventures that you only thought existed in your imagination. Basically the BOMB!
Person 1: Hey, last night I played tag in secret underground tunnels in Mudd!
Person 2: Whoa! You totally pulled a Sylvie!
by Zoemasta Flash March 6, 2008
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Where do I EVEN start Sylvie is the best person YOULL ever meet! She is Athletic, creative, smart, pretty and all around perfect. Sylvie is also a very good secret keeper, she is very trustworthy. Sylvie is also a prankster, she likes playing tricks on people and being sneaky at times. She also is very gorgeous with beautiful hair, eyes, and body. She also has an amazing laugh and the best jokes. If you know a sylvie, are best friends with a sylvie, or are family with a sylvie you should go tell her how amazing she is.
Did you see that girl over there? Yea I would LOVE to be friends with her she seems like such a sylvie!
by S1029Curb April 11, 2021
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Sylvie is a warm hearted, caring, and VERY smart girl. She things logically and is always observing.. she knows rights from wrong, and usually has the best advice. BEST advice.. She is normally artistically inclined and very creative. Sylvie is one in a million, so if you find one DO NOT let her go.. you’ll never find one like her again..
Sylvie just made me a painting today! Sylvie is the best gift giver..
by Idefc12345 October 18, 2020
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She works at McDonald’s and is always serving chicken nuggets to anyone and everyone 😂
by es09 November 19, 2017
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