Move in large numbers.
The term swarm is applied to fish, birds and insects
A swarm of friends congratulated him.
by Vamsee September 25, 2006
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Usually means that a person was either owned by 2 or more persons.
LULZ!! Chu Jus got swarmed!

I need more swarmjuice to swarm all these noobs.

by Jeypasta July 1, 2009
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Did you see that swarm of lesbians at the pride parade?

by theyarb October 25, 2008
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A person acting out of character; to annoy or bother
TJ: Homie you swarming, fo' real homes

Teddy: You was swarming first!!!!...........tryin to take my lunch money like dat, it aint workin sucka!!!
by Icy-D August 12, 2009
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-Euphoric state of delusional existence where interested parties of either sex exhibit behavior thru their actions and affections that outwardly and overtly demonstrate their desire to win the attention and affection of another. The collective efforts of a pattern of swarming can occasionally be a bit overwhelming to the receipent but generally not frightening, often flattering when done right but always ends in one or more of the swarmers getting an invitation to move on to the the level after swarming, (aka dating and more).
Example: Since her divorce Mary has been the pleasant receipent of an unusaual high degree of swarming activity. Mary is extremely flattered and assessing on a case by case basis her swarming offers.
Another example is: John who since he became a widower has decided that in his world there will be "No swarming allowed!" John wants to find his own next relationship.
by rightabouteverything January 16, 2011
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A combination of of so and warm simply meaning very warm.
It's swarm outside today!
by Jason Wordsworth November 18, 2010
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During a game of Super Smash Bros for the N64, a three stock team battle, on the Kirby stage, pitting one individual player against three level nine Jiggly Puffs.
Captian Falcon got his ass beat by The Swarm.
by Balls Kolano October 9, 2008
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