The guy who broke the world record for the largest cock. You usually known for the tearing asses.
That Suhaib guy tore my ass and destroyed it.
by The human experiment November 22, 2021
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1. The feelings get while using Extasy. 2. The act of hitting someone with your passenger side mirror in church parking lots while going 40 miles per hour. 3. To Rape
I was so suhaibed thursday night at Club Energy, I suhaibed this eight year old on the way home.
by The Boone June 17, 2004
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Where the patient has an obscene amount Involuntary passing request, and or positioning himself in another teammates place abandoning his own position. And or stealing goal chances when he definitely gonna miss it.

It appears exclusively (but not limited to) in FIFA Games.
"Why did you ask for the ball when aren't even open??"
"I have Suhaib Syndrome, sorry mate"
by Fras1z May 20, 2023
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A weirdo fuckboy who likes to suck dick while being raped in the butthole by another man, then proceeds to put cum from surrounding men's dick in to a bottle to drink it and says mmmm yummy
by The Urban d!ctionary March 6, 2018
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