a sexual encounter designed to cleanse the proverbial palate before entering into a new relationship.
To avoid getting caught on the rebound, she needs a little sexual sorbet before she starts dating again.
by jules January 27, 2004
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A latvian sorbet is the act in which a female is tied to a ceiling fan one foot per blade. The fan is turned on high, and at this time three men are standing around her in triangular formation. As the fan spins, she gives all of them blowjobs. Meanwhile, a midget wearing nothing but assless chaps and cut off flannel tshirt slaps her ass at a rapid pace.
"Yo, we gonna pull a latvian sorbet on Shirley tonight?"

"If she's down, dawg."
by xFUNERALx July 11, 2008
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a new breed of cannabis strain. Crossing Strawberry Sorbet strain with Tangerine strain. Giving Birth to Strawberine Sorbet, fruity citrus with the sweet candy-infused flavor of strawberries.
and the cannabis aficionado indulged in the flavors and tastes of the Strawberine Sorbet joint as he blazed on a reefer watching the sun go down.
by GreenCigarCo June 15, 2019
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A sex move:

The male gives a sensual massage to his girlfriend's body using sorbolene moisturiser and in return receives a hand job with the excess lotion. Upon climax, he cums all over the woman's chest and then rubs his dick all over her. He then leans down and blows raspberries between her tits, on her chest and stomach.

Thus creating the 'raspberry sorbet'.

- motor boating is optional
"Hey man, me and my girl did the craziest raspberry sorbet last night!"
by #1 ranga January 11, 2010
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a sex move Where you jizz in her mouth ,then pee in her mouth, then shake her around, and make her swallow it (if you're like that)
Lemon sorbets taste awful
by Scott Lieb November 7, 2006
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"Sorbet shark you're so wise I love you !"
by Alex Madnu November 24, 2021
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