the definition of total and complete awesomness, total achivement in every area of life
dude you just chase snider'ed that test
by Mike Billlll February 17, 2009
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A NASCAR driver who does not deserve his ride and only has a good car because of sponsorship
Myatt Snider belongs on the couch
by Myatt Snider sucks lol October 13, 2021
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A person who crys or complains so much or so often that they can literally take a shower using their own tears.
John Doe is crying again...looks like its time for another Snider Shower.
by hawaii hates you July 18, 2017
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The singer of the overrated band Twisted Sister, now an old grandma who criticizes Gene Simmons and glam metal(the genre Snider's band falls into).
Rock Fan 1: Did you hear about Dee Snider insulting Gene Simmons regarding modern rock music?
Rock Fan 2: You mean that old grandma? Yeah he's definitely an authority on music with his band's one hit song and numerous failed albums.
by OneWhoWrites September 25, 2018
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A caring and kind hearted person. Very strong and brave.
Andrew Snider is always loyal to his gf and would fight someone over her.
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variation on -"De-schneider". Schneider = tailor (German transl.):
a person of Jewish descent who renounces their heritage (offspring of a tailor) by modifying their name for the sake of money or recognition. A synonym for a sellout.
Pammi got a nosejob and completely 'dee-snidered' . Her rents' totally bugged out , until she got hired by Calvin Klein.
by paul's pal saul September 5, 2004
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