Used when one is bored and cannot be bothered to answer properly. It also shows a sense of unhappiness and one maybe holding a grudge against someone when responding with this.
Guy 1: So how's school?

Guy 2: smeh

Kid 1: I'm sorry for grassing on you yesterday..

Kid 2: ..smeh
by 88nat88 October 13, 2007
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1. Meh but sadder. Can be interpreted as "sad meh."

2. A simple utterance when you don't know how to respond.
1. Smeh, I got a 10 page essay to write for English

2. Dude A: So my dog got hit by a car...
Dude B: Smehhhh...
by PhrogMilk November 30, 2014
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random noise of disapproval or "i cant be bothered with you"ness
sounds much like muh, meh, hmm, umm, juhh, tuhh, phhhh and iamo
Guy:"how are you today"
Guy:"hey, thats the noise your mom made last night!"
by hex_ten December 7, 2003
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its just a made up word wen sum1 cant be bothered 2 say a whole sentence! "meh" or "murf" is also commanly used.
when sum1 asks u wats up.. u mite say "smeh" "meh" or "murf".. ad too it if u wish... i guess everyone has different opinions on this words.. watever works 4 u...
by kanine July 10, 2004
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A Gay Man That Does Gay Things And Says “Issa Mek Sport Ting” Knowing He’s Deadass
Smeh-heh Can Also Be Used To Describe An Elite Rainbow Sargent

Rachad, Khalil, Asim, Joel, Zaggy, Quon And Shawn
by Logic The Genuis March 23, 2019
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