The nickname for the president who ran the 8 years of peace, economic prosperity, and environmental protections sandwiched between 12 years and counting of war, wastefulness, and economic slump.
The worst thing conservative republicans can think of about Clinton is that he had sex
by widestep June 8, 2004
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One who tries get get away with racism on the sly/without getting ostracized by the moneymaking world.
I just came up with 10 euphamisms for nigger that I can yell out at a Rucker Park All Star Basketball Game. I am such a Slick Willie Bigot!
by major_delmac February 28, 2005
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When you do 4 shots of fireball and try to get laid and it doesn't work...
Damn bill is an idiot he pulled a slick willy slammer on Sally last night
by Billyz February 25, 2022
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A Slick Willy (SW) is the act of shoving a wet piece of feces up another persons rectum. This is usually done in a sneaky and sleek manner.
Mess with me one more time and your gonna get a Slick Willy!
by W.O. 88 September 13, 2019
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The act of inserting a finger in someone's ear after coating it with precum or semen.

A slicker version of a wet willy.
Jerry had his hand in his pants, and then suddenly gave Karen a Slick Willy.
by SentiuSReX March 23, 2019
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