The evil version of the Jedi who has embraced the Dark Side of the Force. The Sith were suppressed for one-thousand years by the Jedi Order, until the first three Star Wars movies, when Palpatine/Sideous used deception to rise to power and nearly exterminate the Jedi with the help of Darth Vader, who was once known as Anakin Skywalker.
Darth Vader is an excellent example of a Sith Lord.
by AYB March 7, 2003
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Someone who deals in absolutes
Anakin: "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."

Obi-wan: "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
by awesomeMB9 September 27, 2020
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When someone acts so awesome that it's wicked.
Jack: "Did you see that guy roll the music teacher down the stairs in her wheelchair?"

Vito: "That was totally the Sith"
by Jackson McMidnite August 21, 2008
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Despite what some idiots may think, a Sith is not a Dark Jedi. Known Sith lords include Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Darth Tyrannus(Count Dooku).
LOL! Sith lords pwn j00 stupid faggots! gg n00bz
by Elite November 21, 2003
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I made it up when i was 14, seemed cool at the time, until i realised it was something out of Star Wars. :\ But its got nothing to do with Star Wars :)
by Sithellaneous April 28, 2005
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1) A deceitful, promiscuous human female.
2) A pretentious, stuck-up bitch.
3) A woman in favor of murdering babies.
"That slut walked right by me and acted like she didn't notice me."
"Yeah, she's a total sith."

"That sith lord is a complete sloot."

"I bet that sith just sits around murdering babies all day."
by dj flashypants January 27, 2007
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Greasy little freaks that hide pickles in the sky
John: where did all the pickles go
Jeff: the fuckin sith probably hid them in the sky
by Mike hawk June 11, 2012
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