Slang for "sir," used in world literature a bunch of times, particularly in an informal context.
"Yes, sah."
by kirigaya0904 February 3, 2015
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A word which here mean's: homie, bestfriend, friend
"What's sup sah"

"Aye you my sah"
by what'ssupsahh? November 23, 2011
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a shorter, more insincere version of sorry. can be used more frequently than sorry without feeling too apologetic.
im so sah.
by speed trials September 29, 2005
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A word that you say to anoy teachers
note:sahhhhhhhhh(carry the ah part when saying the phrase)Warnnig:May result in detentions or staying late after class.
Boy one:Sahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Teacher:See me after class!
by Zach Singletary May 11, 2005
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to lead a demonstration which results in vandalism and not regret afterwards.
In 22nd October, 2018, a university in Ghana was sahed by its student body
by bambitheJew October 24, 2018
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SAH stands for stupid ass hoe and can be used in many regular/daily conversations
by Toenail.clippings February 6, 2020
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A sly word that can be used to inform your friend of a hot girl, there can be variations depending on how hot they are.
"Sausage Sah"

"Steamin' Sah"

-Sah, sah, sah, sah

-where ???


-wow, shes hot.
by Widdens August 11, 2010
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