What happens when 80% of the fangirl population sees something cute like a character match-up and/or is reading a yaoi. Requires lots of flailing around, making kitty faces and screaming "OMIGOD!" or "SO KAWAII!"
Did you see Samantha back there? I think she was diagnosed with Retarded Fangirl Syndrome after she saw that Maka X Soul match-up.
by She'sTheBlade April 9, 2011
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Retard text syndrome is when you're texting someone and they do not know how to text. It's when they say "u" instead of "you" and "r" and so on. It's when they can't spell. They say "lyke" instead of "like" or "hym" and many others.
John: "Aye bro. Y didnt u com 2 tha prty? Lyke evry1 wuz ther."

Bob: "Dude. Don't talk to me until you get that retard text syndrome checked out."
by poopy21! February 6, 2010
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A condition with which one's lips are huge and they have barely any mental capability. They are also very uncoordinated and retarded.
Ha look at that dude he has retarded whale syndrome he has massive lips.
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When you place an ear bud in your ear and it falls out a lot. Your ears are retartedly shaped and cannot hold ear buds
Bob placed an ear bud in his ear but he has Retarded Ear Syndrome!!
by RES man October 21, 2009
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A rare off shoot from semen syndrome where the sufferer has in fact become mentally handicapped from sucking too much dick and swallowing loads of cum that comes from retarded people. these retarded people are in fact not as retarded as the cummee anymore, due to the volume of cum the cummee has swallowed and the levels of retardation the cummee has now obtained.
That dude has retarded semen syndrome
Wow what a spaz, i reckon he has retarded semen syndrome
Its rare that i see someone worse of than you mate, but that bloke over there, with retarded semen syndrome, hes fucked.
by honneamise October 24, 2018
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When you're zooted beyond comprehension and your friends look retarded or act retarded.
Why's this nigga look like he have retard syndrome.
by Cockblaster69000 May 22, 2023
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