That’s the Xtreme team over there. They’re so cool, they spell xtreme without the e on front. If you want to be xtreme you have to be X-rated (xtreme rated)
by FailboatsCursedSoldier414 June 18, 2021
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Also known as "kill books" . Really nasty bloody brain splattered photographs of dead Iraqis or Afghanis taken by grunts after the shooting stops. A lot of these are traded like baseball cards, and often wind up in the hands of pogues and fobbits who use them to talk shit back in the world "look how bad-ass I was"
"dude, you'd better not let the MPs searching our shit in Kuwait find your x-rated photos or you'll get an Article 15"
by Alpino March 29, 2010
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much more extreme than a regular waggott, with the most likely outcome resulting in someone being choked out or suffocated.
uh oh he's not having a waggott, he's having an x-rated waggott, what did you say about his mam man?!
by kp13 September 17, 2009
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Just means cum, yo
- So how was your date last night?
-went great, she gave me that X-rated gravy
by Soldier of Eden February 28, 2018
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a new threesome sex prank for M/W/M. Once the girl falls asleep, each guy ejaculates into an armpit. This will stick her arms to her body, leaving her to wake up with T-rex arms
Guy1: Yo, last was night was KILLAH dude!
Guy2: Hell yea...the x-rated rex we gave that chick was funny as shit
Guy1: shh shh...she's wakin up now
by McGrundles May 26, 2011
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while your lady is knocked up(concieved) you fuck her and the baby bounces around.
even though Maggie L. is prego, Warn made her womb an x-rated bouncy house.
by pablooooooooooo November 4, 2009
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Ramblings that occur when one is extremely horny due to being away from smexy significant others for a long time.

Note: Factors such as the following may effect level of ramblings-
-Being located in another hemisphere than significant other
-Significant others willingness to tolerate to your ramblings
-Duration of seperation (Those seperated for more than 7 months should take saftey precautions before engaging in sex)
-Significant other is a curly headed fuck
Seeing pretty girl everyday on skype and not being with her gave me a case of the x-rated spontaneous ramblings.
by crazyboy18 May 25, 2011
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