the act of destroying someone in any activity
"dude i totally just baby raped you in halo"
by Lyle Rudmaneeee December 8, 2009
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Words you should always have close to your heart.
Remember, Having sex with a child may feel good, but you still shouldn't do it.
1: Hey there cute little baby. How are you today. I tell you what we'll do, I'll just stick that in there like that and then...
2: Oi! What the hell are you doing?!
1: What?
2: Man, don't rape the baby, what the hell is wrong with you?!
by Pimp-Master J May 1, 2006
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Someone who has done something wrong, which in turn, creates a hassle for you to fix.
by Justyn October 14, 2004
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Someone who angers mad women at the expense of their friends' testicles.
My 'friend' Spartacus, arse-grinded some woman - incurring the wrath of some angry whore-bitches, who were friends of his then-girlfriend. They then attacked me and my associate James Davill III, attempting to castrate us with bottles of smirnoff ice. It was unpleasant.
by Nishant Kumar Esq. February 13, 2005
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