The rapist of the animal kingdom. Created when a Kangaroo and a Koala had a bit too much to drink.
Whoaa a cute Quokka
Agghhghghgg (quokka rape noises)
by quokka research team March 25, 2013
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A large pile of unwashed laundry that accumulates in the corner of ones room, common amongst teenage men. An overflowing laundry basket.
Clean up that Quokka pile!
by doof15 May 7, 2009
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To be overly excited or overwhelmed by laughter you can't even control yourself
by TheYFB March 30, 2020
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The sport of kicking a rare Australian native marsupial (found principally on Rottnest Island); the Quokka, much like a soccer ball.
Hey Garth, Pat and I are going to Rottnest Island. You up for a game of Quokka soccer?
by Jeffffrey October 11, 2009
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a cute animal that always smiles also used to describe people
Girl:that guy is so cute he looks like a quokka
by quandaledinglefortniteballs October 6, 2022
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An eager, happy but mindless expression on the face. All the lights are on but no one is home.
The Bouan-Bathor stared quokka-faced at Cara Delvingne and tried to make her wear the stupid hat.
by Fred Bigley May 24, 2018
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