1. Noun: The best game of 2005 where you play as Razputin (But everyone calls him....Raz.) who is a young boy who ran away from his home in the circus to Whisper Rock Psychic Summer Camp. Raz has to use only his mental powers to find out and stop a horible plot that involves stealing brains and using them in a death tank to SHOOT DOWN INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

2. Noun: A person who is one of the Elite Force of the Psychonauts.
1. "Dude, have you played Psychonauts yet? It's like...The best platformer EVER."
"What sytem is it on?"
"PS2 and X-box."

2. "Sasha Nein is one of the three Psychonaut agents that teach in Whispering Rock."
by Tsukijuun August 6, 2005
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One who explores human mind, often doing all kinds of wierd experiments and watching peoples' gestures, words, reactions very closely.
"He prepared all that just to see my reaction, damn that psychonaut!"
by Zmikavt October 16, 2006
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Someone who has been through a profound psychadelic experience and while being in a normal state can remember and reflect on that experience and know that for just a few hours they really had it all figured out. 

A person who seeks a deeper understanding of what "IS" through psychadelic experiences.
by Arrr Teee February 11, 2012
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A true Psychonaut is that who seeks the truth through meditation, psychedelics, yoga. He who seeks the truth does not care if it's pleasant or unpleasant, all they want is the absoloute truth.
- Ay dawg how u so open?
- Bitch im a psychonaut. Were all one, idgaf
by Psychonaut326823 January 5, 2022
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The field of study which relates to spending time exploring the universe right inside one's own head. Usually with drugs/yoga/meditation. These people are on a quest to discover the self, and usually can be considered "realists".
Psychonautics (from the Ancient Greek ψυχή psychē 'soul, spirit, mind' and ναύτης naútēs 'sailor, navigator')1 refers both to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, including those induced by meditation or mind-altering substances, and to a research cabal in which the researcher voluntarily immerses themselves into an altered mental state in order to explore the accompanying experiences.
by Diaphenous August 31, 2022
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A fictional form of secrete agent, localized to the field of paranormal investigation and the exploration of humanity's psychic ability's. Their single appearance in fiction, can be seen in Tim Schafers: Psychonauts
Psychonaut, Sasha Nine, Mia Vodelo, Razputin Aquato,
by Boyd Cooper February 6, 2012
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a person who takes all the loot and does muscle things and swims and takes pictures with no shirt of himself with no shirt on and so there.
That man is a psychonaut
by LightningGoat June 4, 2009
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