(verb) a combonation of the words pronounce and enunciate, when someone uses improper sounds and clarity of speech when talking. A drunk will probably have a difficult time prenunciating correctly.
drunk: "Heyaa git mea somor byer!" ::belch::
bartender: "I'm sorry could you repeat that sir?"
customer: "I think he wants a refill."
customer #2: "I can never pronunciate right when I'm drunk either."
by _Alicia December 24, 2005
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To make declaration; to utter on opinion; to speak with confidence.
Learn to pronunciate you foreign bastard!
by Michael and Brian March 17, 2004
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John Paul and Michael always tell John to pronunciate his words.
by Trivkid97 February 17, 2012
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A key part of a dictionary definition that doesn't actually matter.
The pra-nen-sci-ah-ma-shun really doesn't matter.
by Zach G. November 6, 2003
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worried whether to use what you know to be the proper pronunciation of a name and seem pretentious to some, or to use the name’s more common mispronunciation and seem a dunce to others
I’m always a pronunciation chickenshit when it comes to “Vincent van Gogh”.
by ΔиłĦ☼иצ ߀₡ʞ September 21, 2011
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