Pol Pot set the very example of political leader under CCP influence.
by Peevee July 7, 2006
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Pol Pot သည် အကြီးကျယ်ဆုံး ခေါင်းဆောင်ဖြစ်ပြီး ညစ်ပတ်သော မြို့နေလူတန်းစားအားလုံးကို သတ်ပစ်ပါ။
by မြန်မာ April 11, 2022
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A name used to describe one who is particularly vicious and dictatorial whilst playing drinking games. A “Pol” will never be granted the authority to be Chairman of a drinking game but will assume all power and dominate with the sentencing of ‘digits’ to any who stand in his/her way.
by Couldn't possibly say March 16, 2008
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a guy who caused mass genocide in Southern Vietnam and Democratic Kampuchea
Pol Pot caused a genocide in the 1970s.
by Vietnamese Farmer January 6, 2022
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Also used as a slur. A way to degrade someone
I punched that pol pot punk in her pol pot baby
by towens June 12, 2007
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Person 1: hey person 2 guess what
Person 2: what
Person 1: chicken butt!!! just kidding, pol pot
Person 2: ahehehahfhaheehhaeehaehehaehehaehfheahehfheafheahehehehhHEHEEHEEEEEEHUUUUUUU
by nofeminismitsnotballing December 15, 2022
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