The white fatty part of chicken that needs to be cut off before it can be enjoyed.
Jess: Has the chicken been deplubed?

Me: Completely.
by SuperDuder June 8, 2009
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Stands for Put, Laxatives, Up, Butt.

A common word used for someone that you hate, but they most likely will never even know what it means until they start saying and doing it.
Person One: Hey, plub!

Person Two: You too!
by Grandma Elohyag May 19, 2018
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Just like a normal pub, except with bouncers (like a nightclub).
Uneducated aquaintance: Hey man, you want to go out to Finnegan's Wake for a drink?

Educated self: What, that plub? No way man, I'll get I.D.'d; just like if we went to a club. Let's go to a real pub instead.
by Algor Mortis October 9, 2011
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To place your lips on someones bare stomach and blow making a farting noise.
This term was created in the mid 1950's in South Omaha by a family with the surname Sempek.
My Grandkids love it when I plub them.
by gurupanther March 4, 2011
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An aquatic mammal also known as a "manatee" or "sea cow". Typically found tropical seas either sleeping, eating or floating. Very big. Very round.
Someday I will go join the Sea Plubs and live among them.
by freshwaterplub April 4, 2021
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a degree of anger, never matched. dimes anger is close but not comparable, includes a hilarious face, nd punched thrown but not landed. usually performed by da sexiest kid alive. sumtimes threatens to kill however not likely to be followed through
dat nigga got plub anger hoppin
by plubs anomynous May 12, 2009
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