. Sitting on a radiator or dildo for long periods of time, causes this itchy medical complaint. "I would purchase one of the many effective pile creams, for soothing relief. But i'm quite thrilled by the burning sensation similar to that of a hot fish finger shoved up my arse" chuckled Julien
by James November 11, 2003
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To sit on the couch in semi darkness for hours on end, ordering food, consuming various and sundry pills, avioding all cell phone calls, while being in a state of semi dress and watching massive amounts of TV (if one can retain consiousness).
Bob hasn't come out of his apartment in two days, what a pile.
by Dan Reeves January 10, 2006
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Pile On - "sexual definition" - to have more than 2 people join together on a bed, rug, or elsewhere for the purpose of engaging in group sex or group sexual intercourse.

Usually associated with group sex, swinging, swingers, the lifestyle and other free-thinkers.
Linda and Jim were fucking naked on the bed. Debbie got undressed and joined them. Then John walked in, got naked and asked if he could pile on. They all shagged and reshagged for hours. The swingers piled on each other all night.
by Juke Boxx Hero October 23, 2011
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Someone that that sits around on the couch and smokes a shit load of weed.
That guy is such a pile, he hasnt come out if his house for 3 days.
by randalf von richtoven January 6, 2008
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Doing nothing, typically while hungover the day after over-imbibing. Essentially being a pile of shit on a couch.
Donna’s not coming to brunch, she’s piling.”
by aintnolaws September 8, 2019
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Usually found in a hardcore show, a pile-on is when everyone rushes from the pit to the front of the stage and jumps on the shoulders of the person in front of them. This is done mostly during a sing-along where the vocalist gives up the mic to the crowd, much like a gang vocal.
Dude that pile-on during Mutiny was fucking croosh!
by Matt aka the quite storm June 7, 2007
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A 3 dimensional measurement used to calculate distance ,time, circumference, pi, weight, velocity, density, temperature, acts of god, force, gravity, WPM, resolution, direction, time, and worth.
"7.45 cubic kilopiles should get me to my destination".
by vectortec October 18, 2003
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