you searched up pee pee poo poo on urban dictionary? lmfao
Steve: Pee pee poo poo
everyone: *bursts out laughing and applauding at that amazing joke*
by SnapsOkay November 13, 2020
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This is experience is when a MAN sticks his PP into and woman poo poo hole and the both pee and poo poo at the same time.
man 1: "what is the best time you had with had a girl."

Man2: " I had PEE PEE POO POO."
by StonecoldPEEPEE August 2, 2019
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Person 1: Pee pee poo poo
Person 2: Spontaneously Combusts
by PussyPiamon69 March 2, 2022
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Is the title of the leader of Pewdiepie's epic minecraft pig army whitch helped Pewdiepie kill the famous whither boss so Pewdiepie could recieve that EPIC VICTORY ROYALE
Pewdiepie: Where is Pee Pee Poo Poo?

*Pewdiepie kills him on accident*

Pewdiepie: He was a father to me i loved him like my son *while crying*
by Ninja420Fan69 August 14, 2019
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me: poo poo pee pee check
friend : why am i cool with you
by da poo poo pee pee September 16, 2020
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It's a poor used insult from which toddlers to grade 7's use to seem or sound cool.
Boy 1: hello new kid
Boy 2: Pee Pee Poo Poo
Everyone else in the playground: wow he's cool
by IWannaWatch TheWorldBurn November 11, 2020
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