A massive intergalactical company that has all the money in the world and secretly controls it. They own everything and have everything. They spread monkeys around the entire Earth, and earn money and power from it.
Nigger Balls Corporation is worth quintillions!
by HJJ I November 2, 2023
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Its a very funny word and meant to be funny the definition is Amgous = a Video game, that became a meme; sussy = supiceous; nigger = a black man (in this context the balls of a black man); balls = testicular balls of a man, meant kinda gay
Yo man do you want my Amongus sussy nigger balls in your mouth.
by Shrek_the_real June 10, 2022
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gay niggas with massive balls that like to ejaculate on bwm a.k.a big white men
gay ejaculating nigger balls
by xURMANx May 8, 2023
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"GOD NIGGER FUCK BALLS" An adjective used to describe an upset occurrence or fit of rage
Example: "I stubbed my toe and screamed "GOD NIGGER FUCK BALLS!"
by That_one_jew August 12, 2014
Nohy: Big balls boi!
Nohy 2: Big balls nigger?
Nohy: Big balls.. NIGGER!!!!

Big Balls nigger means big balls nigger!
by Forkiefrog January 9, 2022
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