neptunic leans near the trixic umbrella, all though being neptunic means liking women and nbs at the same time. anyone can be neptunic meaning any gender can be neptunic.
#1: hey, i have to tell you something
#2: what is it?
#1: im neptunic..
#2: whats that?
#1: it means liking women and nbs!
#2: thats so cool!
by your fav h03 June 11, 2021
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Eighth planet from the sun, a gas giant much larger than the Earth.
by yfarf! July 20, 2003
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Chad Hugo and Pharell Williams. Hot Production duo of the early 2000s, their Beats Are Hot, Original and easy to listen To
Superthug by N.O.R.E was produced by the Neptunes
by anon November 10, 2003
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A PAIR of Producers. Pharell and Chad Hugo. Also in the Band N.E.R.D. with Shay who is not a member of the Neptunes.
The Neptunes recently produced Snoop Dogg's 'Drop It Like It's Hot.'
by TMC November 19, 2004
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A young female gamer who replaces every curse words with Frick. Neptune also has the attention span of a goldfish.
BBNO$: Hi, hows it going?
BBNO$: wha....
Neptune: FRICK YOU
by Crampety October 29, 2019
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1. Officially the outermost major planet in the solar system after the demotion of Pluto to dwarf planet status in 2006. An ice giant with a cool, deep blue coloration. Similar composition to Uranus. Mean distance from the Sun 2.798 billion miles. Equatorial diameter 30,775 miles, give or take 20. Polar diameter 30,250 miles, give or take 40. Visible cloud deck is at temperatures around 218 degrees Centigrade below zero. Orbits once in 164.79 Earth years, or as of this writing just about once since it was discovered by Urbain le Verrier and Johann Gottfried Galle in 1846. Visited by Voyager 2 in 1989. At last count had 13 recognised moons. Had a dark blue marking looking remarkably similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot, with Neptunian proportions and colour scheme, at the time of Voyager's flyby, which was promptly named the Great Dark Spot; apparently this has since disappeared.

2. Roman divinity of the sea, influenced by but not identical to the Greek Poseidon. Also a god of horses. Had a fishy lower body and brandished a trident.
Neptune is visible in a good telescope.

Capitolus strode on board his ship and set sail across Neptune's kingdom.
by Fearman May 12, 2008
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The Roman name for Posiden, the god of water
I think I saw Neptune walking near the beach shore yesterday.
by An1122 June 10, 2017
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