1. Another word to substitute for nigger. Spawned from an Asian mispelling nigger as na-ge through a text message.

2. Shortened version for "Nigger rage". Used to describe anyone throwing a huge tantrum of extreme rage
Damn look at those group of nages.

That's one fly ass nage


Ace, nage isn't how you spell nigger

He's going nage!
by zaniw May 18, 2011
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Advanced judo throuwing teqnique, literally meaning "The Comma Throw",involving grabbing your opponent, rolling backwards, putting your foot on your opponents stomack and endind in your opponent thrown like 10 feet away with his back on the ground. Very risky and difficult when performed in real life combat, yet extrmely painful and spectacular when pulled off correctly. Also, the area of expertise of Anetilas
Anetilas: "I used tomoe nage on that legless bum who dared to ask me for money and send him to the devils mother!"
by Mpampiniotis January 28, 2004
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My nigger

Pronounced 'minaj'.

Spawned from the rap artist Nicki Minaj.
Sup, mi nage?
by correctanswer August 7, 2011
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When you bring your reportcard (with many failing grades) to your parents (or your parents find out your grades somehow) Report Car-nage is the long talk about you (and how your life is going to be if you dont blah, blah blah...)
Usualy it consists of 3 parts; the anger, the acceptance, and then a resulution plan,
1. Anger: This part is where your prents talk (or yell) to you about how they have trusted you, how they are paying for your stuff, how they are frusturated of your grades.
2. Acceptance: This part is a bit low paced and your parents talk usualy to eachother about your path that you chose for your life, that they thought you were smarter. You can sense this part from before because the transitions between two parts are quite soft. Sometimes they even cry.
3. Resulution: This part starts when you think that the conversation was over but your parents suddenly change topic. They usualy tell that you should work more, play less (pc, xbox, ps), or go out less with friends.
Eric: "dude did your parents got angry last night about that F on geometry?"
Dude: "yup, it was a total Report Car-nage"
by DrkBlack January 23, 2009
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When one places the meat from a McDonalds Cheeseburger, Filet-o-Fish, and McChicken within the same sandwich, thus allowing a threesome of juicy meats in one artery-clogging meal.
You: Hey, I'm so hungry but I'm a broke bitch.

Friend: What about McDonalds? We could make a McGangbang
You: Nah bro, I need something bigger. Throw some fish on that and make it a Mc-Nage à Trois
by NapoleonStonedaparte February 16, 2016
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