North Atlantic Fella Organization. An online "army" that claims to support Ukraine but fights its battles with the intellectual rigor of third-graders. Specializes in meme warfare but often forgets to load its weapons with anything resembling a valid point. Critics argue that if NAFO were a university course, it'd be "Trolling 101: How to Lose Debates and Influence No One."
Person 1: "Did you read NAFO's latest comment on the conflict?"
Person 2: "You mean their latest meme? I've seen more compelling arguments in a playground spat."
by Ldymyr Elensky September 5, 2023
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In May 2022, Twitter artist Kamil Dyszewski, aka @Kama_Kamilia, embarked on a mission to make the Shiba Inu, "Fella," an internet icon. He began by adding Fella to images of Ukraine, sparking online fascination.

Around the same time, a group named NAFO emerged with aspirations of global recognition for Fella. The Shiba Inu breed had already found fame through the 'doge' meme, dating back to 2010.

Dyszewski went the extra mile, crafting custom "Fellas" for donors to the Georgian Legion. NAFO considered "Fellas" a gender-neutral term. Yes, you heard that right – "Fellas," because why not pick a term like "fellow" and turn it into a gender-neutral masterpiece?

NAFO's members, including service personnel and people from all over the world, numbered in the thousands. They featured "Fellas" in edited images and videos, often used for humour and to support Ukraine.

NAFO even had a term for their opponents, "vatniks," and some focused on debunking "whataboutism" in defence of Russia's invasion.

In June, NAFO reached mainstream recognition after a Twitter spat with Russian diplomat Mikhail Ulyanov. Their humorous yet pointed approach to the situation made waves in the digital world.
Vatnik: Who pronounced this nonsense.
NAFO: You pronounced this nonsense. Not me.

Tankie: What air defence doing?
NAFO: In for a penny in for a pound, Himars O Clock!
by Subtle-Kind November 5, 2023
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