Most explosive than a nuclear bomb. Frontman Dave Mustaine is the main trigger for the explosion. Best band in the world!
Megadeth is the rain blood that runs in my veins
by Manel January 31, 2004
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Short: Better than Metallica, a lot better.

Long: A Thrash Metal band formed in the eighties when guitarist Dave Mustaine got kicked out of Metallica; Mustaine later forms his own band Megadeth. Megadeth's career follows Metallica's like a shadow, including the less-thrashy albums like Countdown to Extinction and Risk (Though it can be said that those albums are better than Metallica's album during the 90s). Most metalheads, along with the Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford, agree that Megadeth is superior to Metallica.
Megadeth pwns Metallica in every way (except vocals)
by Archer250 March 27, 2012
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1. Measure of damage in a nuclear explosion, i.e. 1 million deaths. Spelt megadeath.

2. Metal band formed by Dave Mustaine after kicked out of Metallica. Metallica did good without him, and just as well he got kicked out, cos now we have two seriously cool bands instead of one, even if Megadeth kicks more ass than Metallica.
1. Oh shit, we're soo in trouble!

2. Megadeth soo kick ass!
by metal up your ass! May 5, 2005
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Amazing band with a shitload of amazing albums, formed after Dave Mustaine was kicked from Metallica for being a jerk.
n00bs to thrash metal tend to only listen to Metallica and criticize great bands like Megadeth without giving them a chance, while completely ignoring other bands like Testament, Exodus, and Kreator.
by Mephysto July 3, 2009
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a band formed by dave mustaine, a metal genius
if it wasnt for dave mustaine, you would have never heard of metallica. He WAS metallica, until james and lars kicked him out of the band and stole all of his ideas.
by Anonymous September 13, 2003
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the greatest band ever to live. better than metallica, they use different scale types and more emotionally based solos than metallica and their use of the e pentatonic scale for every song. dave mustaine didnt cut his hair and turn all gay like metallica, he still knows what metal is, and even though they've strayed from the olden days when they kicked more ass than ever, they will always be the world's best metal band. enough said.
Bill: im gonna go listen to metallica, the greatest, most original band ever

Mark: haven't you heard of megadeth?

Bill: No. who are they?

(Bill listens to megadeth)

Bill: wow they are much better! set the world afire totally kicks enter sandmans ass!!!
by Ben Swartout April 9, 2006
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