Carlee: guess what today is!
Seon: May 4th
Carlee: yeah but it is also kiss your crush day and you just happend to be my crush
by May 3rd April 29, 2019
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International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognise and honour the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions.

International Firefighters’ Day is observed each year on 4th May. On this date you are invited to remember the past firefighters who have died while serving our community or dedicated their lives to protecting the safety of us all. At the same time, we can show our support and appreciation to the firefighters world wide who continue to protect us so well throughout the year.
Please say thank you to a firefighter. You should say thanks everyday not just May 4th.
by Firefighting girl April 30, 2019
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This is the birthday of someone amazing, they might look like a molerat but hey it’s okay.
Hey you look kinda like a molerat...”
Oh yeah i was born on May 4th”
by Abby Williams October 17, 2019
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May 4th of ur dick be in my mouth

May 4th of my mouth be on ur dick

Silly bunny tricks come w bibs

Meet me at my crib :)
by LolaaBunnie May 3, 2023
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The national day for this activity is may 4th. The day when you give someone you like one of your hoodies (this one is for the boys).
Boy: Hi Sofie
Girl: Hey Johannes
Boy: Here is my special hoodie for you

*hands girl hoodie*
Girl: Thanks, but why tho?
Boy: Its may 4th, national give a hoodie day
by Alaskafocus4836 May 3, 2020
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May 4th 1970-the day of the Kent State University (Ohio) shootings. 4 people died and many more were injured. The national guard came in because there were riots going on over the invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

Some people still think Kent State shoots people, this isn't the case.
KSU student : "Have you heard about May 4th?"
Random person: "Wasn't that the shooting at Kent State all of those years ago?"
by themontyfreak October 7, 2009
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This is the day when you grab anyone’s ass, or give hugs.
Friend 1- can I have a hug!?
Friend 2- sure
Friend 1- *grabs ass*
Friend 2- why would u do that!
Friend 1- it’s May 4th who wouldn’t
by upyourass😌 October 23, 2019
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