A disreputable law school in Los Angeles, CA, where the deans and career counselors don't give a fat rat's ass about you unless you're in the top 10% of the class and stand a good chance of donating to the school after you graduate.
Slick: I heard 95% of Loyola Law School graduates are employed as lawyers within 9 months of graduation!

Bobby: Can I interest you in some oceanfront property in Arizona?
by asdfasdfasdfasdfadsfasdf March 5, 2011
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Is a private high school in Los Angeles California that tend to spend their time on Urban Dictionary trying to insult their competition: St. Francis High School. They clearly have no lives based on their say towards St. Francis and do not deserve to be considered a private Catholic school based on their immature behavior towards the others high schools. A typical Loyola cub tends to be cocky, a douche, and gay. These "young men" also tend to be very insecure about themselves and their school and insult St. Francis as a defense to make themselves feel better. Their dances are well known to all girls and they tend to outnumber the guys at loyola. At these dances the boys are so disrespectful towards all girls and more than half stay locked up in a classroom for being caught in such inapropriate behavior. The rest either stay in a group sucking each others cocks or are too drunk that they were not allowed in. Loyola boys are convinced all girls are horny for them, but truth is once girls know what the majority of the guys are like at loyola, they go to St. Francis and find respectful, kind, desirable guys there. Sincerely, yes, group of girls
Girl #1: did you see what that this guy did to that girl?!
Girl #2: yes!!! that was so rude!! and what he said about St. Francis!!!
Girl #1: oh i know!!! well...then again, he IS from Loyola High School...
Girl #2: true...what a douche
by Girlsoflosangeles December 8, 2012
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One of the most renowned high schools in all of California. One who attends this magnificent school of hierarchy is, but not limited to; a stud, baller, money maker, genius, or any other positively denoted expression/saying. As with any prodigious school that exists, it is agitated and belittled by schools with not nearly as much dexterity. St. Francis in particular is compared to Loyola as, if not, the greatest single sex school in California, which in return is most bothersome. As many of you know, St. Francis did indeed defeat Loyola in football a few years ago; As you also may know, Loyola was mutilating St. Francis in football for roughly 30 years. Yes St. Francis, you did prevail over us, however this should not result in getting a broner and jizzing profusely all over your La Canada terrain with your gaunt FSHA girls. Certainly, this one definition cannot and will not contain everything that is abundant to this vast academic and athletic institution.
Loyola High School, Los Angeles in 2011 was ranked #1 in athletics for an all boys school in the nation by ESPN Rise.

Singlehandedly, Loyola’s cross country team has been ranked in the nation for the past 13 years. (As of 2011)
by jomama217 July 30, 2011
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Also known as the most swag, athletic, smexy school in nyc, many other schools want to be like us. Sometimes, as we walk down the street people walk up and beg to know our secrets, but we don’t tell them. Although we might not get the best grades, the absolute godliness that is associated with our school makes up for it.
Damn did you see those dapper, well clothed St Ignatius Loyola School gentlemen walk down the street? Damn I wish I could be like then but I know I can’t.
by Your biological mother October 7, 2021
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