tya; long body, model-like; long-legged; EXTREMELY LONG. super skinny.
Do you see that girl over there? She is very lanky, her name must be Tya. She is 70% leg.
by I know some stuff March 11, 2015
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Unusually tall (maybe fed miracle grow as a child) and skinny.
by HeyBenNoo<3 October 4, 2011
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someone who is tall and very thin, often used a a nickname or slaging term

guy:hey lanky, wats up
lanky : not much

also used to refer to someones appearance in a conversation.

"damn that tiarnan McCarry is lanky"
guy:hey "lanky, wats up"
lanky :" not much"

"damn that tiarnan McCarry is lanky"
by Ronan McLean June 30, 2005
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Someone very tall and thin, may not always be meant as an insult as being lanky could be seen as a compliment to some. However many may take it as an insult so try to use other words to describe height/appearance.
"Omg katie, you're so lanky"
"You're so thin and lanky"
by Anonnona March 8, 2017
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a guy with no style or grace. he has a funny face, he can handstand when he needs to and stretch his arms out just for you. he can inflate himself just like a balloon.
by FlashlightMemelord September 13, 2018
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Lanky is where someone is extremely tall and very skinny. Hayden is a name for someone who is very lanky
" damn, Hayden is so lanky"
by lanky Hayden February 15, 2016
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adjective: a person who is unnaturally tall and thin.
kevin and jordan are soooo lanky!
by Jane_Bond October 28, 2003
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