Loves men but no-one loves him :(
Person 1: Y'know Lachie right?
Person 2: Who?
Person 1: the gay annoying asshole midget prick who nobody loves
Person 2: Idk how you're talking about
by Mistaake March 3, 2022
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A generally tall man with a great sense of humour. Always the life of a party and has a habit of cracking rude jokes. Lachi's are very loyal friends and once you are friends with them, you are friends for life. Lachi's are very honest people and cut straight to the point, they wont bullshit you.
A Lachi is a very good friend to have.
They are quite immature men, and are always up for a dare.
Girls love him, and many guys probably do too.

If you have a Lachi, never let him go.
Guy 1; Hey dude, go lick that trash cam

Guy 2; Ok! *licks trash can*

Guy 1; What the hell?! Gross!

Guy 2; I'm just doing a Lachi
by Unicorns are REAL! April 20, 2011
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Lachie is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He has a heart of gold. If you are lucky enough to know one or even date one don't ever let go of him - trust me you will regret it if you do. If you love Lachie he will love you back (trust me I know). He is the kindest, sweetest, most helpful person on planet earth. LOVE HIM! If you really love him make the first move before another girl does. He is a girl magnet and everyone loves him. He is a popular boy who everyone loves both as a best friend and a boyfriend. Don't be afraid to be his friend. I was Lachies friend for 6 years before we started dating, just make sure you dont get stuck in the friend zone. We were friends an now we're in love
Girl: Hey Lachie
Lachie: Hey
Girl: :)
Lachie: Do you wanna go out with me?
Girl: Sure
Lachie: :)
Other girls: *crying*
by cheesypelican November 6, 2019
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Lachy is a very caring person inside and out. He takes care of everyone and puts himself first before anyone. Even when he has tears down his face he wipes them away and looks after the one he loves. Lachy has an amazing hot unique body that many other boys are jealous of, Lachy is a tough strong boy who can fuck someone up if need be, don’t mess with him because he will lose it and it won’t end well. Lachy is juts an amazing person and needs more love and affection
“wow that boy Lachy looks tough
“oh Lachy is so hot and perfect”
by hi.drr April 17, 2020
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To be silenced by fear. A person exposes a flaw and you are unable to react.
Told her she was on the wrong page and she looked a little lachy.
by Ariax September 27, 2009
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He is the one guy that will be all nice and want to chat with you but turns out he just needs a hookup so he doesn't get bashed... sound familiar?

This is a real story about me when I was in uni, I was chatting to a guy named lachy and he was sc me and we talked. turns out he was also talking to my 2 best-friends saying how he loves them and me.
girl 1: have u spoken to lachy recently?
girl 2: yeah he sent me some nice stuff last night
girl 3: oh me too!!

girl 4: yeah he was sending pics all last night
girl 1: he is such a fukboy
by roseytheposey April 11, 2019
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Lachie is usually a person who's laid back and don't mind what's going on around them.
Wow how is he such a Lachie, I wish I was like him
by Lachie 1 October 30, 2017
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