Pronounced: LAY-Moh
Someone who is lackadaisical, and ignorant. They could be smart, but figure it's not worth it. Instead of logically trying to figure stuff out, they decide to jump to conclusions and hope they're right.
Emily: I thought I was lame until I met you. You're such a lamo.
by CatEyes61 February 8, 2020
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1. Mispelling of the abbreviation of "lmao" ... which stands for "Laughing My Ass Off"
2. Witty acronym made by Mark B. which stands for "Laughing At Male Orangutans"
1. lamo... *lmao "just a corrected version"
by Alfonso G July 9, 2004
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Lamo is a common typo that occurs when you try to type "Lmao" (which means laughing my ass off, for those of you who are not familiar with that, but seriously that's really lame and almost everyone knows what lmao means so if you don't just crawl into a corner and suck your thumb. i'm not kidding.) so anyway instead of writing lmao you write lamo and your friends just start laughing at you for writing lamo. it's pronounced "lah-moo" but that's all up for interpretation
in an instant messaging format:

amy: jeez that guy was like a shit salesman with a mouthful of samples

natalia: LAMO!!

amy: lamo? hahahahha you said lamo.....
by emmaliine August 24, 2009
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Some one who is lame

An idiot who doesent think straight

A dork or dorkess, cant add 1+1. Stupid, dull and ugly.
by Jonathan Hoffman October 13, 2002
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a person boring and distasteful in the affairs of love and the spirit, an uncool person. antonym: llama (as llamas are cool)
"I hope I don't run into many lamos today"

''What a bunch of Lamos!''
by cristinamackaay January 15, 2012
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lost and mentioned otherwise: Lost for words.


... Lamo
by Forusevdawg December 27, 2011
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