A man of very few words. One to be precise.
"Hey." - Jaymin
by NotJaymin November 24, 2021
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Synonymous to "Built Different", Jaymin is the modern day equivalent to Apollo. Born into perfection, Jaymin is often the wittiest, most insightful, and all around most handsome specimen of the human race conceived. Among characteristically being incredibly suave and graceful when in the presence of women, he still observes humbleness while they swoon into his arms. Jaymin's exquisitely toned musculature and beautifully deep and dark eyes must be taken into account for this phenomena, which seems to occur wherever a Jaymin happens to be. Friends of Jaymin should consider themselves lucky because they have been chosen by a higher power to be selected by such a figure of complete perfection.
Black Panther often wishes he could be more like Jaymin.
I got my ass beat by Jaymin
by ManWhoDissapearsInTheNight September 4, 2023
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A male most commonly known for being a man whore. All the girls want him until they get him then they want nothing to do with him. He is very attractive but has way to big of an ego
by Ljl553636366 March 30, 2016
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When someone skeets on a woman's face, then socks her in the mouth so the skeet goes flying off her face like a boxer with a bloody mouth.
I was banging the old lady last nite and decided to jayminize her when I finished up.
by ManInOhio August 26, 2011
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is a contextualised term originating in south india, literally translating to holy fish. People of the name jaymin are generally considered as 'players' who are well known for their consistent trying and pining for all girls in their vicinity. However, these futile attempts are almost never successful with many of them failing miserably, only to the demise of that person. Others they try to get to know are usually known for not replying and having that 'im not interested in you' presence. One of the main characteristics is that they are often separated from their so called friends due to previous actions.

however, they are very cool people who are liked by everyone in the world.
jaymin, fish
by pradeepkumar11 April 13, 2009
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Jaymin Mistry - (V)

Jaymin Mistry is the name of a cute guy who is funny, loving, delicate, and sensitive at the same time. Great at certain things like running, and school work,...yet terrible at other things like SENDING TEXT MESSAGES THAT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE. Also, he is never free because he is always at robotics.
Look at Jaymin Mistry over there, he is sooooooo hot, like he is definitely daddy material, but too bad he's never free. He's probably going to robotics right now.
by Jminer69er February 26, 2017
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Jaymin Mistry - (N)

Jaymin Mistry is the name of a cute guy who is funny, loving, delicate, and sensitive at the same time. Great at certain things like running, and school work,...yet terrible at other things like SENDING TEXT MESSAGES THAT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE. Also, he is never free because he is always at robotics.
Look at Jaymin Mistry over there, he is sooooooo hot, like he is definitely daddy material, but too bad he's never free. He's probably going to robotics right now.
by Jminer69er February 26, 2017
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