An insult you use. Its in Swedish. Its more of a curse sord that you use when angry. Usually something along the lines of " fucking pussy!"
by Youdontneedithatbadly July 31, 2017
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Jävla fittjävel hur mår du
by Eat socks November 20, 2020
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A local but rather famous synth/ebm-band from sweden.
Hey, It's Jävla Flinck!, they ROCK!
by Patrik August 1, 2004
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Använd oftast om någon är arg
by My Voice Crack August 5, 2019
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Swedish word, means "Yo fuckin' Moma". It means the same thing as yo mama.
Du är en jävla böghora.. (You fucking gay slut) Din mamma är jävla böghora!
by wOo0TzA!? March 27, 2005
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