A word first used on YouTube by Fiverr Funny Guys, meaning a "journalist" who condemns others for making the same offensive jokes as himself
Ben Fritz is hypofritzing PewDiePie, what a hypofritz
by John Guilleminot February 24, 2017
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A name for a hypocritical news outlet that makes up stories to get more views
Wow, have you seen the Wall Street Journal recently? They're being a bunch of hypofritz.
by bblocher98 February 24, 2017
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A person who accuses someone of a negative characteristic trying to gain attention through a misunderstanding, even though the same person accusing has these negative characteristics himself.
Ben Fritz was a hypofritz when he accused PewDiePie of making offensive jokes.
by baldr12 February 24, 2017
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A person who calls someone who jokes about killing a anti-semite but he himself is a anti-semite
by DiStr1x February 25, 2017
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A new kind of hypocrite. Hypocrite level 1000. Hypofritz aka that guy that makes jokes about nazis and then writes an article about another guy who makes jokes about nazis calling him a nazi because it makes sense.
by deathtoalljewssjklol February 25, 2017
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A "journalist" who is desperate to gain lost revenue, so he attacks a rookie comedian for making the same jokes he does.
So Ben Fritz can make jokes about Jews as a journalist, but pewdiepie can't make them as a comedian? What a hypofritz.
by Camilatary (kuh-mill-uh-terry) February 25, 2017
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A journalist who wrongly accuses others of an action or belief that is considered wrong who could be accused of the same action or belief themself.
WSJ is so desperate the're hiring hypofritzs.
by Jcthom4 February 27, 2017
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