n. Someone who gets all the ladies, regardless of their bonzai-ing prowess.
-Dude, do you see that guy over there?

-Yeah, he's a harlan and has all the ladies, so?

-I want to bang him.

by HarHar April 17, 2007
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One sexy kid who gets all the ladies!!!!!

Also invent of Bonzai'ing and Bonsai'ing
Harlan banged 18 chicks in 1 night.
by HarJar August 11, 2006
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an over cocky, charming suck up who cannot commit to a long distance relationship. harlans usually sleep with girls and then dump them. usually cute and funny they are able to charm anyone. it is important not to trust a harlan because they are lying cheating man- beasts.
girl#1: i cant believe he cheated on me!

girl#2: everyone saw it coming, he was such a harlan
by paigerpop December 13, 2009
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Small town in Iowa of 5,400 people. Also known as "WHORELAN".. because 90% of the girl are whores and have chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Harlan also host hillbilly races and derbys.
Bob- "Im going to Harlan this weekend."
Casey- "Dont catch anything up there.. chlamydia and gonorrhea are IN THE WATER, its THAT common up there."
Bob- "Oh shit."
by midnighttokerr August 11, 2011
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Small coal mining community in southeastern kentucky.
The land of harlan is divided into two types of people 99.1% losers and .1% awesome.
by Spencer T.B. Nolan April 22, 2008
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Wiping your own feces under your arm pit after a long work out. Then making your partner from NJ smell it. Go Team PA
My made my golf partner do the Harlan after he miss a putt
by team pA November 3, 2018
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One of the best commentators in NBA history or NFL history, this man will literally make anything really dramatic and exciting.
by itsyaboi2323 March 4, 2021
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