While on the journey to escaping reality, you hit a bowl which helps you relax. After this bowl, let yourself be taken upward(without moving) by the jane.

It feels like your head and heart are trying to escape your body.
(Already with the kites)Man... I am gravitizing right noowwwww.
by pleasuretwonUSA October 22, 2009
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The principle explaining the strong gravitational pull between miserable people.
Misery loves company is scientifically laid bare when you read more in depth on the topic of gravitational misery!
by Dr Bunnygirl September 1, 2020
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To be balance challenged; unable to walk straight and constantly at risk of falling over (Not meaning how people are when one is drunk, this is an all the time thing). Aka a Klutz.
I am very Gravitically Challenged
by Xalnec January 25, 2012
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A mass of wealth so great that it can bend tax codes and pull governments out of their natural orbits.
Guy 1 - Did you read about the candidate who was so rich he used his money to lobby for a lower tax rate for himself?
Guy 2 - Yeah. That is some gravitational wealth.
by Plongeur February 20, 2012
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When u jerk off and jump repeatedly while screaming "IM IN SPACEEE" before cumming all over the planets
Guy: dude i masturbated last night and it was one of those gravitational masturbation ones and I nutted all over the solar system

Dude: I nutted all over my neighbors roof last night and had to spend a day in prison
by looneylobs August 4, 2017
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when the force of having to shit is so strong that gravity has become a factor
I tried to wait until lunch break but the gravit-ass of the situation was so strong that 1 made the 100 meter dash to the bathroom early
by Jordo16 July 10, 2018
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A temper tantrum during which your child drops to the floor and writhes around as if being sucked into the floor by a massive gravitational pull.
My husband woke our son as he took him out of his car seat, which usually leads to disaster. Sure enough, as soon as we went inside the house, he pulled one of those gravitational tantrums.
by fteegardin August 2, 2010
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