A nickname for someone who is a ginger. When you don't want to call someone a ginger or are looking for a new nickname use this.
by just another contributor June 17, 2009
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Gingy is basically a sweeter way to call GIgner.

Ginger is the craziest bitch on planet Earth...
I dont know how is it gonna come along.. I know this is dumb..

I know we have a lot of issues which me and u have no controls on. A very bleak future.. A wrong time for me to enter in your life. But you and I both know that feeling hai.. Love Hai.. True hai.. Cute HAi.. understanding Hai.. space hai.. Hmmm so is it the rite time for me to ask you out..

Gingy will you be my girl friend??

Can v change the probability to surety :)

by LoverBoy PUP November 8, 2010
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Awww, dude, quit being such a Gingy, we're in a fancy restaurant!
by FurryFanFTW May 5, 2010
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Having the desktop image changed on your computer or the act of changing the desktop image on someone elses computer. Traditionally the image is changed to the Gingerbread man from the Shrek movies although any image works.
Look at your computer, you got Gingied!
by Connera December 1, 2008
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a boy that has red hair, pale skin, nasty freckles, and no muscle mass. often coughs while laughing. must always be refered to as gingy. NEVER refer to them with their given name.
gingy: hi my names mac.
normal: shut the fuck up gingy.
by nazilover April 25, 2008
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has slight autism, uncircumsized, and likes to follow around girls who don't like him
quit being a gingy
by Big Brown Obunma January 25, 2019
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n. singular: "gingy", alternate plural: "ging."

1.) A word used to euphemize any other noun you wish to substitute, typically your nuts but not always.

2.) Also part of a common exclamation: "Oh My Gingies!"
I apply Goldbond everyday to keep the gingies fresh.

My ging often itch without Goldbond.

After almost hitting a moose with my car, I kept driving but said to myself, "Oh my Gingies that was close."
by UNHDan November 22, 2009
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