Verb: To send inappropriate mass emails out of habit.
"Dude you completely Gerritted that email!"
by Bob Melvin June 30, 2006
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to drink too much and to pretend that you are much younger and smarter than you really are.
by alcholly October 27, 2008
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Making promises that won't be fulfilled until one day later than expected
He Gerrited us when he told us that there would be a place to sleep.
by special forces July 12, 2006
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A buzz kill, who doesnt know anything and has small penis that someone can cut if off with a plastic butter knife.
AHHHH why are you being a gerrit!
by batmann33 December 9, 2009
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when a guy is thrusted into a someone's boobs with so much intensity it is possible to bite it unintentionally.
"Bob totally pulled a Gerrit on Kenzie today!"

Guy walks in crying
Friend "Whats the matter?"
Guy "i was just pulling a Gerrit on Lared. i didn't mean to"
Friend "oh my gawd, im so sorry man!"
Guy " i know, man. i know."
by flats117 December 8, 2009
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