Living in someone's head rent free. They are in your mind all the time and you are constantly thinking about them
Skyler lives in annie's head rent free
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To live in someones head that can’t stop thinking about you.
This nigga Carson lives in Maxs head rent free
by PootiePatootie December 15, 2020
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u have : CG,Hydra,StreetTeam,SeaSide,Ballas and BCF trying to start shit whith Mandem when MDM are just chillin.
Mandem are rent free in their heads
Mandem are rent free in their heads
by kingster101 May 22, 2022
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The phenomenon of Woolwich arsenal fans being completely obsessed with Spurs, constantly talking about them and generally thinking about Tottenham Hotspur all the time. Whilst therest of the world barely knows who the Woolwich even are
See Troopz and DT were taking about Kane on AFTV again, living rent free in their heads. #COYS
by FaustusTheYid May 7, 2020
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When an individual just can’t get over thinking about you when you really don’t pay their existence any mind
Griffin just can’t can’t handle the emotional damage caused by Austin. Austin is rent free in Griffins head
by Austinvanwie February 9, 2022
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An insult commonly used on various 4Chan boards.
It insinuates that the person being insulted lives "rent free" with his or her parents, and thus must be a NEET with no life.
Note that when used, insults like this will often either completely shut down an argument or turn it into a rapid back-and-forth flame war, derailing it.
Anon 1: "Wow, that shit was cringe"
Anon 2: "Rent free"
by Bonfou November 5, 2020
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The person called shroomsii is so rent free in mandem, CG and hydra's mind that he actually went and made a whole definition of it
by ripbozo. May 22, 2022
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