is someone who is nosy, and wants to know everything.
yo b; i heard about your man. (den someone is like "i wanna noe, i wanna noe"....your too damn foss! move and g'long :P
by BabiieGurl April 3, 2009
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To be fossed is to be ruthlessly but fairly corrected or educated on some point of trivial knowledge.
Mette: Did we just get fossed?
Foss: No. Getting fossed requires you to be ruthlessly but... etc. etc.
by TheFossFuzz March 30, 2014
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Foss is a pimp and smokes weed
Yo foss this weed ain't pimp
by November 23, 2021
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A general state of feeling like the boss. It is not referring to being at work. It is more of a state of power, a temporary feeling. You are the shit for a minute. Used as an adjective to describe a feeling.
You must feel so foss with that new car man.

"That outfit your wearing makes you look like the boss."-Person 1

"Yeah man, im feeling foss."-Person 2
by fossboss August 13, 2009
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A word to describe the undescribable. Something that is at the pinnacle of exellence and wealth.
"His house is so foss. I want to say amazing but only foss can describe it." That guy is isnt flossy but fossy.
by big gun61 August 9, 2009
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