When one sees a random hispanic (female) one would say "Hello, Flor ..."
by LanceBot3000 September 20, 2005
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v. meaning:
"to shank";

"to stab";

"to cut";

"to fuck";

"to slice";

"to kill puppies";

"to smash babies to the floor".
1. "Dude, that bitch totally tried to flor me at the party last night."

2. Fuck man, these two burglars tried to mug me last night. I just pulled out my pocket knife and flored them both in the face"

3. "I flored my finger today when I was cutting some vegetables"

4. "So, this hobo walked up to me when I was walking and she told me that she wanted to flor me."

5. "I flored my mom with a sword last night."

6. "My cousin fell off the couch and landed on my dog. Let's just say that he flored it."

7. "Holy shit! That bitch just ran up to that baby and flored it."
by bitchassfuckinghoeface October 3, 2009
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same as ROFL, must misspelt
person: why did the chicked cross the road?
person2: dunno
person: to get to the other side!
person2: FLOR
by zsgrsf June 7, 2004
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A way of conveying your amusement at a vaguely witty comment if you have problems typing words correctly
That's droll, FLOR
by evil_cat June 14, 2004
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Flor is the most amazing person you could ever come across, he's sweet,funny,charming,caring,crazy and on top of that....a ladies' man😍😍. He's the definition of fun.If you don't have a Flor in your life...trust me you might wanna get yourself one cuz he brings colour to your life😏.
by Torian002 May 31, 2019
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dumb stupid men that make you want to gauge your eyes out and date ugly nasty men looking hermaphidite bitches. who fuck 13 year olds and get multiple woman pregnant and lie and cheat and hump dudes naked. and who think there hick but suck dicks because he sure dating a dude. who BOTH love there ass hole fingered!!!!
by YOU EX GIRLFRIENDS November 29, 2011
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