An slightly angrier version of meh. Often accompanied with dismissive hand flicks.
I was going to go to the store today, but then I'd have to fill up the car with gas too. Feh.
by ircd2.11 September 7, 2013
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A word used by Inuyasha from the anime series written and Illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi to either express dismissal, frustration, or when he’s too lazy to respond to a question.
by Empress Inuyasha July 21, 2004
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feh: an interjection simultaneously expressing some combination of the expressions "fuck it", "fuck you", "meh", and "eh".
-- Want to clean your room?
-- Feh. So many better things to do.
-- Don't you care what I think of your filthy room?
-- Feh.
-- Feh.
by KitCat January 23, 2013
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1 - An expression of dissmissal.
2 - The Freight Emergency Harbor
You: "Where have you been?"
Them: "I told you I'd meet you at FEH, the Freight Emergency Harbor"
(Foghorn sound for comedic effect)
by DanvilleDan April 19, 2009
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Derived from the term "eh" thought to be coined by the Canadians (or canaDAY Land residents), it is used as a type of slang in place of "eh" to display that one whom used it may be from a ghetto region from within Canada.
Normal resident "Hey How are you doing today, eh?"

Ghetto Resident "What's happening, feh?"
by Jay Ay Orz October 4, 2013
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a weakened version of "fuck!" or "fucking hell!". to be used in times of massive frustration. you know, the kind that sucks all your energy at lightening speed so as to render you unable to truly let loose on someone's ass for crossing you like they just did. eh, or as a substitute for the aforementioned, more graphic, vocabulary when you are in the company of minors but just can't stop from swearing - oh, and can be used in exclamation, normal tone, or a whisper (just as versatile as the original in that sense).
using a milder, yet exacerbated tone:
"I'm still at work. I am stuck. I have stuff to do and I'm stuck. Feh." Less genteel possibilities can be found by hanging around bars, college parties, or high school cafeterias.

by StreetKate, yo January 7, 2003
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the multi puropse alternative to meh
but slightly more aggresive
(you hate jimmy because because hes gay)
jimmy:so what do you want to do .
by borb March 25, 2005
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